

Based in Scotland, standing up against the injustice and lunacy of British wind energy policy
and laughing at those who implement it.
War is declared

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As the Chinese Year of the Pig continues, so does the troughing.
When are these people going to be brought to account

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The shill is back, throwing a hissy fit and spinning faster than any turbine could. For every counter that self-styled gurus think they can achieve, anti wind will continue to do far, far better.

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Windy Swag - empowered by the Scottish Government, propped up by their patsy Greens - enjoyed by rich foreign multinationals at consumer expense. Get angry; get funded; get professional help and keep fighting.

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We have never, ever had to leave a post pinned to our fb page for so long as it's still being shared and commented upon. Birds can't speak for themselves, but we can speak up for them.

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Spinning Jenny Hogan from Scottish Unreliables - UK onshore wind faces almost total shutdown. Hurrah; we do hope so. The goose has been firing out golden eggs for them like a platoon of Tommy guns and now they have run out of ammo.

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An exclusive, sent to us by a WEA supporter. Click on pic to see poem

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Indeed! Subsidy Sam should be required reading by all politicians

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This image is powerful. This image should make anyone with a heart or an ounce of decency pull themselves up and shout what in the name of sanity are we doing.


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SSE aka Screwing Scotland Endlessly, trashing at Stronelairg in the Monodhliath Mountains, and then trashing some more

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The green octopus tries to continue spreading its environment-busting tentacles; creeping round gullible politicians; whispering in ears; hoodwinking the unresearched. But the public is prising off those subsidy-sucking tentacles

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