

Hi, I'm Dorian/Mech! I draw creepy/cute monster ladies mostly- I like horror, fantasy and sci fi.
Enby lesbian;they/them. 26 y/o. Icon by Witnesstheabsurd

フォロー数:735 フォロワー数:92

Lil sketch of Mutt; trying to work out how to draw her a bit more monstery. She might be a faerie, but she loves a car ride!

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Wanna give these gals more monstery traits to their design but I'm stuck cuz I want said traits to make sense with the animals they transform into. Mutt's effectively a Scottish deerhound and Ursula's a bear/mantis, so that doesn't lend itself to wacko mutant traits

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Trying to work out how to draw a plague doctor like mask- this gal's a dweeb who practically never takes it off, so it's important. Not decided on how I want her to look, hence the variety in her clothes here

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Medical AI sketches; this is Marbas. She's programmed to be an adaptable medic so she can serve whatever role is most needed. She is obsessed with stickers and offers them to every patient- she doesn't care if you're 5 or 95, you're getting a sticker!

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Lil doodle things. Ainsel and Aednat have very different ideas about how to behave during an investigation.

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Though Aednat has a gruff personality, she does have a soft spot for her horse, Crom.
After all, what would a headless horsewoman do without her faithful steed?

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Lil sketches of Ursula. She's an optimistic and hardworking bugbear who wants humanity to leave her alone, so she can enjoy her carpentry work in peace (though she sells her work to fellow faeries.)

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Oh and here's that July artwork because I still rather like that one. (I'm slightly biased though because I really love drawing this character)

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More Ainsel and Aednat doodling. 
Locating somebody to steal their soul is part of a dullahan's job description, but a lot of the job isn't as thrilling as it sounds- as Ainsel is quickly finding out.

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Baobhan sith sketches; they're vampiric faeries who have deer hooves. Instead of biting, like other vampires do, baobhan sith attack with their claws and drink from the wounds. This lady is a little more gentle- she promises to take *some* of your blood instead of all of it!

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