

Human Rights, Exotic Pets, Cats, Dog, MTG,WoW, Art, shitposts, Product Owner, fuck tories. Comissions are closed permanently . He/Him

フォロー数:1258 フォロワー数:2427

I'm getting closer to 2k and would be really cool to hit it! I am amund and I paint things that make me happy and I hope they make you happy too!

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Hello! I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy, and I hope they make you happy too!

Imma tag

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I am Amund and I paint lots of fantasy illustration, and I hope you enjoy them!

Comissions available, contact me at

Other art available:

Hope you enjoy my art!

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I'll go first!

I finished a painting yesterday that I had a lot of fun with, so I started another one today with similar theme but different colours. Having a lot of fun with this one as well, although little bit stuck on were to take it - morning will hlep!

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I am Amund and I paint things, post pictures of cats, post cool art and sometimes things about project management. Feel free to ask me questions about any of the above.

Here's some of my art go check it out.

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Hello I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy and I hope they make you hapy too!

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First art comissioned is done, by ! I got this excellent betta fish to put in my office once the world is back and printing pictures and buying frames are sensible things to do! So happy with it:D

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Hello! I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy! I hope it makes you happy too:)

9 23

I Will go first! This is my current WIP - and some old finished pieces! I was inspired by some work posted, and just wanted to put happy colours and shapes down and make an environment! Hope you like it!

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The first two aren't my best paintings, but they unlocked something for me after being stuck for a while which is really nice - and very importantly, I had a lot of fun painting them!

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