

Human Rights, Exotic Pets, Cats, Dog, MTG,WoW, Art, shitposts, Product Owner, fuck tories. Comissions are closed permanently . He/Him

フォロー数:1258 フォロワー数:2427

nr.17! Starting to have to dig deep for ideas, but happy with how this one came out!

3 32


Imma tag who does dope sketches all year and

19 82

14 woke up late so not as much time today and chose a more time consuming subject, but fairly happy with the sketch

8 44

I finished one of my sketches from This is by far the longest I've ever spent on a landscape, and I've loved it.
Watched the "How I paint landscapes" video for this that sucked out skill i didnt know i had. It was GREAT!

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day 8 sketch 1 million or something. This one was a lot of fun, my wife wants a painting for her new reading room she's making so I might push this to finish later for her:D

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LOVE THE FOLLOW GAME! I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy, and i'm nearing 2.2k which is pretty exciting! I hope my art makes you happy too! First pic is a WIP I'm currently working ont hat I am having so much fun with, and some other stuff!

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I got up cause I couldn't sleep and did another sketch i'm calling it an early 5 its tomorrow in my home country so it counts

2 31

Posting my maysketchaday from yesterday, and some older pieces that did well - but haven't been seen in a while! I repost my art so much most of it does okay eventually:) Thanks for the artshare!

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day 2! This is Ib, Elder knight of Air from my They are a flying robot knight with a sword that makes tornadoes. Enjoyed this one, even if its a little rough.

Pose reference

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Thank you for the artshare! I am Amund and I paint things that make me happy and I hope they make you happy too!

Imma tag cuz his art is really cool and interesting:D

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