

🇮🇩 living in 🇯🇵 Warframe Tennogen creator, Mecha/Gunpla enthusiast. Speaks INA/ENG/JPN

フォロー数:496 フォロワー数:835

Getting back to tennogen with Lion themed revenant skin. Revenant sfx will be used to create the mane. Not gonna lie, cosplaying as Garo is pretty my only reason for making revenant skin.

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Personal project of mine, not waframe btw, although it is highly inspired by it. Still in design exploration phase, planning to turn this into 3D printed figure in the future or even a model kit if the tech is available

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Submission for round 22. Giok machete skin and Shinkuu katana skin.

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Gabthley custom design from Zeta Gundam. Unlike the original, this design sacrifices transforming capability for easier mass production.

Planning to customize HGUC Gabthley into something similar to this in the future.

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2nd skin for round 19. Owl inspired Frost skin

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Just a little bit of experiment, inspired by Gurren Lagan's Boomerang shade. Trying to make a giant boomerang that is also usable as a great sword or twin blade. Technically speaking, should fit well as Galatine skin, but DE's probably not gonna accept it. (?)

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Helmet close up

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Just a really old concept, i think warframe badly needs a sniperframe.

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The frost skin that i almost lost. Design based on an owl. Owl's iconic big eyes might get me into trouble with warframe aesthetic so i placed it far down and turn it into a pseudo air filter to keep the owl looks while avoiding having obvious eyes.

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There's a game called girls' frontline with characters that are anthropomorphism of firearms. I haven't played the game, but the character designs look cool. So i'm trying to make one that is based on Braton from warframe.

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