

「いらっしゃいませ〜はぅ〜! かぁいい よお持ち帰りしたいぃ〜 ☆」
→ 鉈女, メイド, かわいらしさの魔女🪓
#higurashiRP #uminekoRP #MVRP
writer @maid_rena founder of @07th_Wonderland

フォロー数:423 フォロワー数:505


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// これは本物のサンタの衣装を着た私とまったく同じように見えます

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( I didn't play often anymore, but I know Battler-sama still expects the best from me. So I'll do my best. ) Thinking so. she took everything with her and soon knocked on the door to his study.. "Battler-sama. May I enter? May I?!

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"I will not disobey you Battler-sama." Rena replied , feeling intimidated by the strong grasp of her master.

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"I... yes of course I mean it. I miss playing violin for you too...."

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