

「いらっしゃいませ〜はぅ〜! かぁいい よお持ち帰りしたいぃ〜 ☆」
→ 鉈女, メイド, かわいらしさの魔女🪓
#higurashiRP #uminekoRP #MVRP
writer @maid_rena founder of @07th_Wonderland

フォロー数:423 フォロワー数:505

"It's been a while I was left out of this prison... Battler-sama... I'm sorry I had enough time to think. please don't lock me up again goshujinsama...."

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// Best boys !!! Now where's my husbando version of Battler-sama tho?

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// Finally a scene where we see Satoshi-kun clearly

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"That's true I did consider this too. but I didn't know that there's even a medical team at paradise. Now that's awesome. Rena can tell ,Sae-kun that we met was fate." Rena followed Saeran to his car. Sill holding the cleaver, because a weapon was better than none, right?!

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"Thanks for reminding me of the real you. Aren't you a good actor for a serial killer, aren't you ? Bet it was fun to murder your family and also me. Tho that doesn't explain why I'm here alive now...why don't you try to solve that mystery... " -kicks his portrait and walks away-

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"Kkh. Don't you try and dare to fool me again!"

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I knew I couldn't trust that guy. Like I'd the "apparent" witch of cuteness will ever fall for that bullshit of his again!!!

-uses her cleaver and destroys a portrait of Battler-

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