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I was amazed by the lovely sprite designs in Link's Awakening as a kid, I actually think the game's sub bosses look better than the big one's themselves?

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One of my old toy designs from the MechaKnights project, Miu with Earshot 🐰

The idea is that the each of the characters have a 'Steed' who they can 'Mecha-Merge' with into an armoured super mode, this one was designed for little girl appeal, I'm very proud of her 😀

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Your hero reminds me of the Japanese Olympic mascots from last year?

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RIP David Warner.

Perhaps a slightly odd reference, but pop culture fans may be surprised to learn that Corey Burton, who voiced Shockwave in Transformers G1, based the character's coldly logical voice and commanding persona on that of the late actor 👍

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We do!

I remember years ago someone on here had their own indie wrestling project on the go, I don't know what happened to it but they asked for original designs they could use, and produced this awesome art of The Gatekeeper.

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2010's Dead Nation, an excellent top down shooter by Housemarque. Despite the small characters and zoom range, the atmosphere was gripping and you genuinely felt the odds were hopeless.

Sadly it never got a sequel, rather a spiritual successor in the disappointing Alien Nation.

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I always liked the Ball and Chain Trooper from Link to the Past?

His appearance is pretty simple, but his menace is obvious and the danger he presents immediate, the early Zelda games were great at such designs.

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On the old MvC games, it's interesting how despite War Machine being pretty much a straight palette swap of Iron Man with a near identical moveset, Capcom took the time to give him his own unique Super in the form of the War Destroyer?

Now THAT's firepower!

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Cloud's Force Stealer sword is one example, I think it's the first double growth weapon he gets? Whilst it doesn't allow for Materia combos, you get it fairly early, and it's well worth holding onto for the extra levelling power.

It looks cool too 👍🏼

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Legend of Zelda Vs Golden Axe Warrior

Which is the better game, the Nintendo original or the Sega clone?

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