

Jester,'Master of the Revels', Fool on the Hill, vrije ziel, seeker of truth. Breaks occasionally through the 140 characters limit - opiniez.com/author/jesterf…

フォロー数:2620 フォロワー数:2686

From 'Your Ghost'
It's the blaze across my nightgown
It's the phone's ring.
I think last night
You were driving circles around me.

Kristin Hersh - Your Ghost
https://t.co/dFZHgBMf3Q via

Art - Dancing with Your Ghost by ProtoRC

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Thank You, Sir. And the same to you! And to all Twitter-friends too. Keep on streaming those poems, verses and all that art. Like, the water of life, it is most needed, Sir :) 💜✍🏽🌹 o/| --> *bow

The Water of Life (The Brothers Grimm (1916) Art -Arthur Rackham

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O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! that we should, with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into beasts!

A fool pouring the contents of a barrel into a goblet -
by Jacob Goltzius (1600)

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Wow! Thank You!

Werewolf ("This heart is where you belong") by

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"Be kind... or, in the absence of kindness, be drunk."

(Chr. Moore)

A fool pouring the contents of a barrel into a goblet held by a young man; the fool wears a cap and is seated at left in a room; beyond is a bookshelf Engraving-Print made by Jacob Goltzius Date 1600

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I try to tell him that the hour comes
when most of us are glad to slip away
From this unpeaceful world, or king or clown....

From 'Yorick on Hamlet' by A.E. Johnson

art: unknown

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The Tudor writers saw to it that the prevailing view of Richard III in their time was of a man and king deformed both physically and morally, who met a very proper end. Historical truth counted for nothing...
Dr. L. Boatwright

Death of a King - Graham Turner

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“The woods call to us with a hundred voices, but the sea has one only — a mighty voice that drowns our souls in its majestic music. The woods are human, but the sea is of the company of the archangels.”
― L.M. Montgomery

Art: 'Guardians' by Michael Cheval

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