

--GONE! Find me elsewhere as Rexhausted/Rexhaustedart--

フォロー数:2480 フォロワー数:1277

Hey remember that time and I went 100:2 playing GGST cuz they were stuck home with covid?

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There's a demon inside

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I'm pretty sure that second screen is in-game, but the iconic 'kazuya chucks heihachi off a cliff' is pre-rendered.
This is the fairer 1994-2023 comparison:

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Got a lot done! Sunk another two hours into these statues/wall. Makes 6-7 hours total just to get to here. Keep thinking I should be faster than this but it's also nice to just take my time and go back and forward over simple shapes.
Thanks for hanging out !

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I loved the really like, choppy-stroke ones that came out looking like dishonored portraits? Anyway I'm always chuffed when you pop up on my dash.

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(Here's the flat graphic and the normal map)

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Random spooky noodling on stream tonight. Listening to a Dracula audiobook and it's *wild* how it jumps back and forth from really modern-sounding to incredibly outmoded/sexist.
(thanks for hanging, !)

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Feels...thick. Like drawing in deep fog or underwater. I know it's not the point of lifedrawing but I used to pride myself on the energy and beauty of my results. All I could to today was try to paint by colour in blobs. It'll come back.

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I should do this again. I remember trying to catch the specifics about each face in a few lines being really fun.

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