

18+ This twitter is for my art and my FA is furaffinity.net/user/rikuredo, my main twitter is @rikuredark

My Fantastic Icon is by Zaphyray!

フォロー数:46 フォロワー数:169

9. I think my WEIRDEST OC would probably be my Kamaitachi Jin, since he can "eat" concepts like fullness or hunger, as well as he's got some links to the void so there's some odd bonus stuff there~

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8. Hadn't thought about it until now, but a fun idea for one is Shawn(grey), Will(dalmation), and Lance!(the cat) The three of them have always felt like a package deal in concepts and something about them all being together is really cute!! (second pic is done by )

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Saw Traps but Fattening is a huge weakness of mine so I had to make an OC idea who makes em for fun. He lacks a name so I just call em Bigsaw. With Crocpot being one of his (too willing) victims!

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Thanks! I’m Riku and I draw furries big and small. It’s pretty fun to do~
Tryin to make sure I post decently regularly xD

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Joined in on blimpball and got to play one of the registration matches! My Team's the Clear Bay Buoys~! And their team captain's Lynn E. Pedia

blimpball is a creation of returntosender on FA!

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Made up a ROUND cockatrice named Hitchcock! Careful not to look into his eyes unless you want to become an orb!

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Tada~! Rory the Carbuncle, at your service!

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A fun fanart sketch I did of @/RasterDreams' awesome floatzel character! Their stuff looks amazin!

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Fun sketch of a chimera guy named Gadrie! He must be talking dinner plans with his tail right now

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If you try holding in gas too long there's gonna be some... explosive results 8U;

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