

18+ This twitter is for my art and my FA is furaffinity.net/user/rikuredo, my main twitter is @rikuredark

My Fantastic Icon is by Zaphyray!

フォロー数:46 フォロワー数:169

A rough draft for how Emile's assistant looks! Seems he's the manpower behind the operation

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A model bat made for showing off some of the latest fashion from the underground city of Dreibus

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Doodle of Ricard enjoying a nice full meal~

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Wanted to put one of the odoshan pirates into a suit, so here's Gus! A wind aspected owl who's a bit of a grump. He looks pistachio flavored...

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A big Nao to go along with that big Seiko from a bit ago! Guess these kitsunes are dealing with that winter weight in the warm season now!

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Random Wolf(?) guy I drew for fun!

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A pog dog, or as I like to say, Doggers

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Valdo's daughter Zana joins being a fat snake! Her outfit still -kinda- works? Least as accessories

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Seiko dealin with a bit of sudden growth! In more ways than one~ |3c

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Another odoshan pirate! Skully is a rogue-ish guy who has the ability to store objects in the grey marks on his feathers, and can shift his feathers into tools! He's earth aspected like volcanic rock~

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