

Rimuru Tempest’s/Satoru Mikami’s/Emils' Lover/Collector 💧
Rimuru’s Slimemate since 2018 💙
Quirky Slime Lord😈
リムル テンペスト 収集 転生したらスライムだった件 転スラ

フォロー数:192 フォロワー数:236

I haven’t had a chance to draw a picture myself for ages but I finally got around to drawing this:
Rimuru: What’s the matter? Slime got your tongue?
Me:…(I am not worthy to touch the hem of his coat, let alone hold his hand!)

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Art by the very talented lamota 💙 I will never escape his Lordship!
Rimuru: Where do you think you’re going?
Me: Oh hi, Rimuru..you’re crushing my arm…and you look evil…
Rimuru: I just wanted to squeeze you! I’ll never let you escape.
Me: Yes Milord, at your service.

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Art by the very talented kurochan620 💙
Cosplaying Rune Factory characters Micah & Raguna
Rimuru: It’s time for a transformative adventure!
Me: But you’re the slime here!
Slime Rimuru: *Hops on* Is this seat taken?
Me: Oh! Well you’re easy on the eyes…so, I’ll let it slide.

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Art by the very talented AndTheAnimated 💙
Rimuru: Liking the new Slife? We can even take out our body doubles and hold them, like this.
Me: Being able to hug you and look at you simultaneously, it's a dream come true!
Slime Me: *Blushes*
Slime Rimuru: A lap is the place to be!

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Art by the very talented AngelynnMay 💙
Meeting up again after Rimuru has been on one of his long excursions.
Me: I missed you, please may I have a hug?
Rimuru: Okay, you hug monster! Just one, or two or three…

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Art by the very talented Rainbow-amee 💙
Doctor Rimuru is on the way! 💙
Rimuru: You’re burning up, why didn’t you tell me you were sick?
Me: I didn’t want you to worry!
Rimuru: This thermometer tells me you have a severe case of…lovesickness.

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Art by the very talented ionathavico 💙
Rimuru transforms into his Gluttony Form!
Rimuru: You’re mine…mine. Don’t try to escape, if you try to you’ll be my lunch. Now for those humans. Let justice be done!
Me: Whatever you say, Captain!
I don’t plan on being monster food today!

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Art by the very talented fuwanian 💙
Dressed as Ni No Kuni characters, Oliver and Marcassin. Rimuru needs cheering up because he’s lost his belief in himself.
Me: A Slime such as yourself deserves poetry!
Rimuru: Awww…You’re making me blush…no, really.

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Art by the very talented angellinx3 💙
Rimuru: I’m a King, and a King never cries!
Me: Likely story. It’s okay to cry sometimes but never give up!
Hi everyone, sorry for my absence, I’m back, I lost my account but I never gave up and managed to get it back yesterday. ☺️

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Art by the very talented abiboge 💙
Me: Rimuru, I thought I told you to transform into your human form all the way, not just halfway!
Rimuru: But in my half-slime and half-human form I can give you an all-around hug!

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