

Rimuru Tempest’s/Satoru Mikami’s/Emils' Lover/Collector 💧
Rimuru’s Slimemate since 2018 💙
Quirky Slime Lord😈
リムル テンペスト 収集 転生したらスライムだった件 転スラ

フォロー数:192 フォロワー数:236

Art by the very talented Ashita 💙
Today it’s my birthday so here’s my cake and in the commission (as I couldn’t go) Rimuru took me to the SlimeXPrincess Café collaboration.
Rimuru: Happy Birthday! I baked a cake for my special Slimeone!
Me: Who, moi? You’ve got to be joking!

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Art by the very talented PyonSangSang 💙
Rimuru: The perfect spot for me to practice learning how to dream! I’ll be sleeping here from now on, if you don’t mind.
Me: Um…Well, if you really want to Rimuru, be my guest.
Rimuru: Hmm, your heart is beating really fast right now!

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Art by the very talented ochakocchi 💙
Me: Why am I wearing this?!
Rimuru: Just play along!
My Rimuring has finally arrived so now we can have the big day! The ring is made of silver and has a blue topaz.
I love you so much Rimuru, more than anything in the whole world. ☺️💙

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Art by the very talented kacamata3 💙
Rimuru: (This is what it’s like to be needed. It’s not a bad feeling, even for me a single noble) Don’t worry, I’m never far away. I tied some of my sticky steel thread around your wrist so you can always contact me via thought communication.

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Art by the very talented Angelynnmay 💙
Rimuru: *Holds him up* Where do you want to go today, Rimuru?
Rimuru: To my favourite place!
Me: Where's that? Oh!
Rimuru: *Hops on my lap* If you don't mind. Oooooooh! My favourite place, I love it. 💙🖤

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Art by the very talented Majitari 💙
This time it's me and Rimuru cosplaying characters from one of my favourite games, Tales Of The Abyss! Rimuru is dressed as Luke Fon Fabre and I'm dressed as Asch.
Me: This isn't about logic!
Rimuru: *Hops on* Nah, it's about hugs!

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Art by the very talented cherikayee 💙
Rimuru: I know I said I had gotten adept at moving in the water but when Gobta said I was going to be in the Fishing Competition I didn’t expect to literally be The Fish in the Competition. It’s embarrassing but I get lots of nice hugs.

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Art by the very talented Kopimanis 💙
The Slime Family
Rimuru: You always look sad...my job is to make you smile. Drastic times call for drastic measures and I decided to bring along the Slime family to cheer you up.
Me: Tch.

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Art by the very talented indracgunawans 💙
Me: *Trips over and falls* Huh?!
Rimuru: That was quite a fall, good thing you landed on the best seat in the house! All of our problems are finally over, so let’s kick back and relax a little.
Slime Rimuru: So heavy...

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“Is this necessary? It’s not like I breathe underwater. If others see me like this, they’ll laugh at me”
My drawing of what a Mermaid Merslime Rimuru would be like.

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