

A lead designer on @LeagueOfLegends -Briar, Bel'Veth, Zeri, Jinx, Vi, Ekko, Jhin, Senna, Viego, Gnar, and Kayle -@TFT set 1 -Neon @PlayVALORANT

フォロー数:18 フォロワー数:161179

In the 13.3 Senna will be able to flash + W again.

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We'll be adjusting Singed and Varus' grievous wounds to 40% from 25% in 13.3 to keep them in line with the recent item changes.

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The Kayle ult changes we were testing felt pretty good, but they're going to take a while to ship given the VFX/SFX/anim changes that would need to be made. In the meantime we've decided to give her some more generic buffs.

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Would Jhin players be okay with this small nerf?

Damage: 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 >>> 44/69/94/119/144

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About Jax:
The update shipped missing some VFX,SFX, and anim details. This was partially due to some bugs that slipped in, but also because we straight up missed a few things. Sorry about that. We've been reading feedback posts and are working to get things fixed for next patch.

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Okay Jax should be coming to the PBE for real today. Heard some concerns that the ult wasn't giving enough resists in the 1v1 case, so buffed up the scaling a bit.

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We now have midscope updates in flight for Jax and Rell! I'm helping get Jax out the door w/ and is working on Rell! No release dates to share yet. Will keep you updated.

Also, we haven't forgotten about Neeko. She'll be ready early next year.

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One of the characters I'm most proud of. I'm so lucky to have worked on her and even luckier to see where all the amazing people at Riot and Fortiche have taken her over the years.

Happy 9 years Jinx <3

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