

A lead designer on @LeagueOfLegends -Briar, Bel'Veth, Zeri, Jinx, Vi, Ekko, Jhin, Senna, Viego, Gnar, and Kayle -@TFT set 1 -Neon @PlayVALORANT

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Ever wonder what it's like to ruin League of Legends? Come chat with someone who KNOWS. Playing around with Zeri and chatting/answering questions! Feel free to stop by.

33 1787

Playing some ranked Janna update and chatting about her and Zeri between games. If anyone dares beat me I'm nerfing their champ (and buffing Viego).

Stop by!

4 477

Gonna play the Janna rework in ranked if anyone wants to see it in action. THIS SEASON WE GET BACK TO DIAMOND. Feel free to stop by and ask stuff between games :D

2 178

Zeri came out today but guess who came out tomorrow ⚔️👻👑

60 2694

We've got an Ahri refresh going to PBE soon for feedback
-Lean into her mobile mage identity by allowing R to partially reset, giving her more opportunities to carry fights
-Passive reworked to be more useful throughout the game
-Make her spells feel better to cast in lane

785 8322

Neon is out 😊

44 2214

streaming some more Zeri PBE Questions and Answers.

Zeri, Janna, Senna, why am I constantly ruining League of Legends? Stop by to find out!

28 1152

Senna has been a bit weak in the new season so we have a buff going to PBE soon:

Now slows enemies by 20%(+6%/100AP)(+10%/100BAD) for 2s

We felt that old glacial did a lot for Senna's pattern, especially as a support marksman, so we're trying adding a slow back onto her kit.

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