

Entertainment purposes. NO MINORS! some arts and concepts are not mine. personal portrayal. 🔞 ship: Harper (@gunsing_ ) DM🚫

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Oh, i could never..—

Ring ring..

Ring ring..

Hello? New horse plush? ON IT!

*takes it and cuddles it*

So soooft!!!

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You expected less? *tail wag*

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Sorry about not updating and shit.

Lots of stuff happening in a short amount of time~~

Mun has something important to go to tomorrow, so that means i’ll be locked in a closet somewhere..

I dont wanna go to the closet!!!!!

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Bright and early AS per usual! Thats my baby!!

*sets a coffee in front of her and gives her a biiig kiss on her fluffy cheek*

MWWAAH! Make daddy proud today, sweetie! We’re down a day so.. tons to catch up on, that means bring your “A” game to work~

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You’ll be FIIINE!

*slides her a hot cup of coffee*

Works gotta be done and there are kills to be made, sweetie!!

We wont put bread on the table if we let our asses become lazy. Besides!! The sound of money means more of these~

*he took out one of his toy horses*

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Lookit my baby~

Absolutely adorable, all curled up in my chaairr~~😍😍😍

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DO I!?! Thanks Mills! We firing off rifles this year too?!

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Beauty advice TAKEN!

Any more tips ya got?

I sure could use some professional help

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Yaay! Thank ya, sweetie! *tail wag*

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Not if i switch bulbs first ~~

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