

Entertainment purposes. NO MINORS! some arts and concepts are not mine. personal portrayal. 🔞 ship: Harper (@gunsing_ ) DM🚫

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:2992

It’s too fuckin hot~ my powers shit the bed at the apartment so..

..i’m at M&M’s .. spyin on baby dick.

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Yeah, she’s a hottie isn’t she?

… uh..

Hey Snax?.. we got a major fuckin issue here..

SHE SENT A NUDIE TO YOU!?! Delete that!! Right now!!

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Almost! I got *counts* 8 days till!

*did Mammon ACTUALLY just wish him a birthday!?*

*small imp squee*

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Guess who’s birthday is coming up~~


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Oh, shit..

Oh, fuck..

*he suddenly lost his gusto*

.. ahhhm.. no reason, i just..


Soooo.. you’re Stolas’s dad, huh?

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Lookit my BABY! Aww, just like her old man~!

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*takes out a big ass taser.*

Ya dont owe me anything.. but i couldn’t pass an opportunity like THIS up!

My bats broken, so… no bumps..
Hungry for some blue voltage?

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I approve of muns advertising choice for me!

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Well so can you!

Dont make me bitch slap you!!

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You look like shit.. what happened?

Do i wanna know?

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