

Entertainment purposes. NO MINORS! some arts and concepts are not mine. personal portrayal. 🔞 ship: Harper (@gunsing_ ) DM🚫

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Urghh.. feels like somebody punched the shit out of my arm this morning~~


Ugh~ *rubs eyes with a groan* do i gotta get up? I dun wanna leave my bed!!

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Why would she feed the divorce papers to one of your .. plants?


I mean, why would that bitch even wanna go through with that? It’s obvious she wants to get rid of you~

*he flicked his tail*

Via? Oh, well.. shit. She’s a pretty tough kid, dont’cha think?

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One box of each should be plenty to start us off.

Go ahead, Loony. Order us some blood and fear!!

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Cant believe i’m throwing around the word “trust” but..

I’ve seen what you can do. I.. truuusstt

Fuck that was hard.

That you can do it!

Thats probably the best i ever said that word in a long time with actual meaning.

You got this, i’m counting on you!

*excited imp*

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Watched it a few times~

Like i said, nailed it!

Character representation : 20 out of 10.

You really need to go freelance with your makeup. Seriously~

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Uhm.. uhh.. 15 minutes?

*he scratched his head* you two are.. close? How?! Him and i are complete enemies..

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I’ve literally had nothing..

I dont eat much. Usually i’m just too busy to take the fuckin’ time to..

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Stomach started to feel fuckin’ gross..

Guess i’ll just lay here for a bit~

*rubs a gurgly tummy*

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You really cant handle weed?

*laughs slapping his knees*


Keep practicing. I’m sure you’ll get it https://t.co/LAqN05jllo

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Two birthdays down..

My backs broke~
My stomach cant take another slice of cake~

Have i really hit an imps golden years?.. so soon?

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