

フォロー数:599 フォロワー数:248

U-149 unit is 90% filled with the girls I like from Idolmaster.

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I'll stick to Azur Lane, thank you.

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Tsugu is my idea of perfection, and Jolyne isn't anywhere near that idea.

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Puny amount of candles. It's like you don't wax and fire everywhere.

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Meanwhile, as an old dude, enjoy Slice of Life or whatever I feel like reading or watching. Demonstrating non-fans how super cool your hobby is, is just a pointless endeavor. Enjoy anime/manga, and drop the smugness when with people who don't care/know about it, or newbies.

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I think I have a thing for brunettes, thanks to Sakura.

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Hotarun is incredibly attractive.

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I love Kemono Friends. I haven't become so invested in a series since it aired.

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Gal Gohan is great because it's short, fairly straightforward, and because it breaks one of those annoying tropes HARD. It's one of the most annoying cockblocks, and I'm glad Gal Gohan swatted it aside.

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There's this place called Jondo in the game Blasphemous that's a gigantic inverted iron bell, it reminded me of it. Looks so mysterious.

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