

フォロー数:636 フォロワー数:215

No skin announcement for PC? That can only mean one thing.
Bear costume is coming!

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11 lives in the same town as Nekoarc.

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I know you probably have other girls in my mind, but man, I'd sure love to see how Bache would look in your style.

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Take Senran Kagura. Yes, I bought it because of cheesecake, but ended up loving the girls.
One is too clumsy but inherited a special eye skill that everyone in her clan wanted , and she feels like all the coddling was a farce.
Another was a street urchin who got her leader...

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I agree. Look at what the DOA guys are wearing! It makes the women in the room turn into howling monkeys!

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Mod/traje oculto superior: botargas en momentos serios. Aunque también es cómico que sea una escena trágica/seria y el héroe en speedo o bikini.

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