July, The RuneScape Historianさんのプロフィール画像

July, The RuneScape Historianさんのイラストまとめ

RuneScape's historian since 2010. :)

You can support my work here: paypal.me/RsJuly
Or you can read my trilogy about RS history (1k+ pages!) for just £4.99!

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:15293

Today 18 years ago, the Dragon Slayer quest was added to RuneScape!

Huge update because it added the rune platebody to the game.

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Today 15 years ago, the Kalphite Queen was added to RuneScape!

She introduced the dragon chainbody as a unique drop, superseding the rune platebody as the strongest breastplate.

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Today 8 years ago, the quest The Branches of Darkmeyer was released!

Did you like that quest?

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Today 11 years ago, Cooking became the first skill in the hiscores with everyone on the first page having 200m xp.

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Today 17 years ago, the quest Sheep Herder was added to RuneScape!

Did you like this part?

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Today 14 years ago, Jagex closed the free version of RuneScape Classic due to troublemakers who kept coming back on F2P accounts.

Were you playing RuneScape Classic when this update happened?

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The RuneScape website on this day in 2002.

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Today 5 years ago, Araxxor and Araxxi were added to RuneScape!

What is your killcount?

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Today 16 years ago, Bwareofmef took rank one in the hiscores. It is not known for how long she'd keep it, but probably no longer than a few days.

She was by then at least the fourth female rank one, after Lightning (2001), Mysticsmagic (2001), and Tks (2002, 2003).

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Today 9 years ago, the Dungeoneering hiscores glitched when No Excuses reached level 115 in the skill, but the hiscores displayed it as level 120.

Dungeoneering is RuneScape's first skill that could be trained to level 120, released three months before this screenshot was taken.

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