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This was one scary chapter but isn't it really cute how Ranulf and Ike become bestfriends in the span of like 2 days #FEH #FEHeroes #fireemblem #ikeranulf #FEヒーローズ
Lil stickers sheet of my fav cells!!! I love Cells at Work I hope we get season 2! You can see this pic animated on my tumblr (link in replies!) #hataraku_saibou #neutrophil #U1146 #hatarakusaibou #はたらく細胞
I've been dying to draw Xander in his manga clothes asdf and also Laslow playing with his lord's little pet buddy... aaahhh Xander my king I finally managed to produce a half decent picture of you, praise Hotoke 😭🙏#FireEmblem #FireEmblemFates #XanLow
I can't post most of the stuff I've been working on so have a lil Lene fire emblem meanwhile... I was not able to get her, Ishtar or Ares and now the banner is over *sobs* #FEH #feheroes #FireEmblemHeroes #FEヒーローズ #ファイアーエムブレム #聖戦の系譜 Genealogy of the Holy War
Another of my old #Suikoden illustrations, Luserina Barows! I used this one -without the background- fot the credits section of our 20th anniversary fanbook! #GensuiFanWorks #SuikodenV #リーリン #幻水 #幻想水滸伝V #幻水V #幻水5 #GensoSuikoden
A thread with some of my old #Suikoden illustrations, mostly for our 20th anniversary fanbook! Starting with Lilin the Mermaid from Suikoden IV pic that I used as back cover for the book 🐚 #GensuiFanWorks #SuikodenIV #リーリン #幻水 #幻想水滸伝IV #幻水IV #幻水4 #GensoSuikoden