

Just a Writer/crafter of fine boozey drinks
18+ only (He/him) Lvl 35

No minors

フォロー数:893 フォロワー数:1256

Ah and

Had to do something special! Been a long time since I transformed into my actual tiger sona.

Art by the amazing

3 29

I have been in a lot of art. This tf by will double as my current favorite.

There are a lot. If you want to know it by species just ask

19 89

Spending Christmas Eve-Eve sipping a delicious hot coffee. Something about it tastes a bit off, but I can't quite put my hoofinger on it. Supposedly the brand really cares about you... caribou'ts you?

The vendor said something like that.

Art by the amazing

15 44

Do Ook even lift?

When a workout goes primal everyone is happier. Particularly after arriving in the proper simian dimension I deserve.

Art by the amazing for the Beyond the Veil

10 57

Bryan the Bruin says "always give the people what they want."

You wanted to be a bear right? I hope so because I don't know how to turn you back.

6 15

Alright, time to start focusing on what is important. Getting the gorilla gains of my dreams. The only real problem is I'm starting to run out of gym outfits.

These still fit fine, more or less. And its nice and breezy to beat the summer heat!

Art by the amazing

3 20

Confused as to why I'm still a bear? Well so am I! It'll probably wear off eventually. As soon as I figure out what caused it in the first place.

Art by the amazing

36 205

Lets check another reward off that Salmon Run Challenge.

I'm sure making this my icon won't drag this bearification out. Probably.

Art by the amazing ! They really knocked this out of the park and captured the burly bear side I've been cultivating.

7 42

Aw look someone sent me a pair of headphones in honor of my bear transformation mood. Let me just try them on and see if they fit...
🐻 What was I talking about again?

Art by the amazing

103 375