

Just a Writer/crafter of fine boozey drinks
18+ only (He/him) Lvl 35

No minors

フォロー数:893 フォロワー数:1256

Lets go a ol' classic. Really captured the roo-me in a whole new way!

Secretly predicting my workout dedications? Sure why not.

13 68

Its You know what that means? Go support an amazing artist below transform their lives for the better.

I've seen ya'll raise money before. Give till it ooks. has done amazing work for this community now lets give him a surprise! https://t.co/n3AggJp8JP

8 26

Second mood of the day. I don't know what is more confusing. Waking up as an elephant, or waking up with all these piercings.

Do you think they might be connected? They say elephant's never forget but here we are

Art by the epic . I just.. god damn such a great artist

28 109

World donkey day continues!

Won't lie, pulling a plow is a great exercise to add to your routine. It can get a bit frustrating. Always loved my mane in this one!

Art by SabertoothedErmine <3 <3: https://t.co/7ogy8QEYiE (For those who might not be following an amazing artist)

33 141

Did you know? On this day in I married the handsomest guy I ever turned into a bull? Love ya

From the proposal, to the wedding, and our many adventures. Every day better and better.

Art by the amazing marking the occasion!

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You know what makes being a donkey just fine? Ice cold beer and great company. So many great folk in this herd. Like , sweetest jenny I know.

Also, got three other beers here. Fair warning they'll put some bray in your day.

Art by the awesome

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Look, there is something both innately frustrating and therapeutic for me in working the land. A childhood on a farm does this to you. Go plant 50 rows of beans and see if you aren't also a frustrated, sweaty ass.

Art by Sabertoothed Ermine: https://t.co/IT0uzwAK1u

17 82

It was inevitable that this would spiral out into a drinking problem. The darker the beer the longer I stay a roo. It just sorta developed. Also, navigating a growing muzzle and a glass are hard. Don't you judge me.

Art by
. They really captured me in that face.

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