

PLAY MY SUPER MARIO MAKER 2 SUPER WORLD: ***3SG-6RT-1XG*** --- SBW64#7623 --- to that I say- Game On 😎

フォロー数:79 フォロワー数:183

A beloved game's birthday was posted and you commented saying it was overrated, and now you're upset that people disagree with you.

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes! You all give me the motivation to do better.

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finishing up Donkey Kong tonight, and then me and Duuvin are having a puzzle game tourney to determine the next stream game

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he just gets in the way

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kinda weird how the whole NFT thing blew over, feel like people are forgetting (or just don't know) some of their favorite internet artists participated (or are still silently participating) in that scheme

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his repair shop failed so he went into guns out of spite

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