

I make cartoons and speedrun

Fanart🎨: #scottfalcart

フォロー数:212 フォロワー数:96627

Okay most seemed to like A and C so I did 2 more studies.

D is just a little smoother C, i used the fluid brush which makes less uh.. "flash strokes" well say!

E is essentially what I call a combination of A (from previous pic) and C

Which do ya like? (Poll below)

5 164

So TLMM keeps becoming more of a big thing, it probably won't be out in February but I think I'll release some side of salts in the meantime! I'm also curious which line style people prefer. A is rough to kind of represent n64era, B is simple n smooth, C is basically other TLs

41 1048

Damn it I prolly have to make new banners now

68 1652

Also here is just the stinky skull kid

43 756

Hap bidet I hope it isn't stinky

60 1331

We got a lot of subs recently so I unlocked more emotes and i really like this new one I made. Made it a mix of TP/SS Link since I do those runs alot

119 2017

Just a fraction of the fuckery. Active subs being unsubbed, gigantic sub losses that aren't even shown, and videos that stop being shared in a day. Guess that's what i get for uploading!

Let me know what else I can do to kill my own channel!

95 850

My birthday is this friday but I've decided that it'll instead be

Make your own stink and upload it on the 29th using the hashtag! Your stink can be you, an OC, whatever! Just use the template! I'll be sharing a bunch on friday so feel free to mute the hashtag

593 2560