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🇮🇳𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐀. #Beingsthri

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Odisha Tribe !!

Odisha is famous for its rich and colorful tribal scenario, where a majority of the tribes lives in the hilly and forest region...

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A Touch of Lavender is all we desire,
As the Floral blooms it's sensuality
We all fall in love with what we see.

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Celebrating and supporting the LGBTQ community that started in 1970, we join in to show not just our acceptance but to evoke the feeling of togetherness...


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What goes inside the mind of women? A question that almost fascinates everyone but no one seems to understand the true intention or purpose of the Tangles imagination.


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The Renaissance Womanhood • A Transcend Beauty that shows layers of Wisdom and Beauty all through the different stages of life..


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The Renaissance Womanhood • A Transcend Beauty that shows layers of Wisdom and Beauty all through the different stages of my life..


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A Touch of Lavender is all we desire,
As the Floral blooms it's sensuality
We all fall in love with what we see...


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Is it the colours that
I could see dancing around me
In shades of purple, blue and pink

Or am I hallucinating about the
Past Memories
Link for full Blog - https://t.co/QEJsiLGwNI

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