

百合モノ大好き!ストパニ、シムーン、ラブライブ好き過ぎてたまらないアニメ大好き!♡♡私は百合の国から来た猫の妖精さんですニャン♡百合猫ニャンニャン♡ #夏ちゃんのお料理教室 ぜひご覧下さいねー♡ 百合好きJD3回生でーすヾ(@╹◡╹@)ノ"

フォロー数:253 フォロワー数:1052

What is it with girlslove and why is everyone loving lily anime can someone explain.🐹💕

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Girlslove can be a blessing in disguise. to think not too deep and be in present moment, that would be treasure in itself.🐹💕

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When everybody is trying to realize girlslove, and finding something so deep that they end up even more confused than ever.🐹💕

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I have to be lily's girl and think about my follower so much. all the time, lovely, in the morning, at night, all I want is everybody.🐹💕

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Well an image what to tweet about lily anime so does anyone have any suggestions?🐹💕

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Trying to find a lily image for people in Japan,it for liker does anyone know of any reliable places to get it.🐹💕

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Hi my follower! to whoever is seeing this. I love and appreciate you, and I hope you’re having a good day!🐹💕

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I have accepted the fact that Niko is cute to some people, lets see if its true tho.🐹💕

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I'm sorry for the worrisome tweets. I still feel so comfortable and threatened and the work given to me is too much to understand.🐹💕

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