

百合モノ大好き!ストパニ、シムーン、ラブライブ好き過ぎてたまらないアニメ大好き!♡♡私は百合の国から来た猫の妖精さんですニャン♡百合猫ニャンニャン♡ #夏ちゃんのお料理教室 ぜひご覧下さいねー♡ 百合好きJD3回生でーすヾ(@╹◡╹@)ノ"

フォロー数:253 フォロワー数:1052

My face would be bright loving lily, the image be so embarrassed I'd probably choke myself to want with my end of girl's love.🐹💕

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They make sure this never happens, that lily images will be my lovely weapon if I actually have to recreate that.🐹💕

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Maki actually pretty excited fun and kinda nervous at the same time.🐹💕

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Why do you like me with such a passion of μ’s?🐹💕

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Watching lily anime from afternoon onwards today. Send me a image on girlslove to set one up and receive my

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What’s on my mind,Feel free to follow if you like.🐹💕

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I said Umi was cute, and someone just look at me like I pointed at a lover for lily and said “I want to love that”.🐹💕

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I will seduce you with interesting lily facts.🐹💕

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I’m bored so let’s read lily comic.
What are y’all reading/watching during study? 🐹💕

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I’m bored so let’s do this.Tell me which one am I? 🐹💕

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