

@twitch partner | PhD scientists by day, science communicators also by day! | @BalintZKacsoh @Jbozler | @elgato Ambassador | @official_throne partner

フォロー数:1726 フォロワー数:1809

Thank you bc of the lovely stream today! We finished Wolverine & Deadpool Antonia, plus did microscopy! Thank you to saphyri_ drnphd hoothouselivestream for the raids! Passed the art to . see you tomorrow!

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Thank you so much! Nothing brings us greater joy than exciting people about science

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Thank you for the lovely stream tonight folks! In honor of , we made darth Antonia! Thank you to the thejoyofthinking for the raid! Passed the love to ! See you tomorrow!

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Thank you everyone for the lovely stream today! We finished Delilah from gargoyles and microscopy of granite and ants! Thank you to for the raids! Passed the science to ! See you tomorrow!

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