

@twitch partner | PhD scientists by day, science communicators also by day! | @BalintZKacsoh @Jbozler | @elgato Ambassador | @official_throne partner

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Thank you for the lovely str am tonight! We did some microscopy, talked fruit fly embryos, and gargoyles art! Thank you to jp_sunsetwoodworking for the raids! Passed the love to ! See you tomorrow!

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Thank you for the lovely stream! We finished trivia ant and started the beach Antonia, plus microscopy! Thank you 420nathan69 for the raids! Passed the love onto ! See you tomorrow!

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Today was full of laughs, some science, and tons of love. Congrats to our raffle winners on their winnings! Amber, pins, buttons, a Fiona plushie and more! We have one of the best communities out there—this is true, this is fact!
Year 2 will bring in more science and ferrets!

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Thank you to our amazing community for celebrating our first year as The amount of love you show us each and every day is incredible. We are grateful for everyone in our little colony. We can’t wait to see what year 2 brings!

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We are so blessed to have a community excited about We never thought we would be where we are today. Our goal was to pass 1k followers for the year, and as of today, we are past 2.2k. We have gamers, artists, scientists, crafters, chefs, and more in our colony

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Then we moved to a laptop to talk science news. Lita came on board to help give the mission statement real focus, energy, and good vibes! Since then, we have constantly been upgrading—computer, microscopes, green screens, music, scenes and more!

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We are beyond grateful to the amazing community and the support we have gotten. Our little dream was started by —that we could make science accessible and fun for all. We started with daily ant cams and then some science art, running off a phone

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Thank you for the great stream today! We finished Thor and Antonias today! Thank you to studiocornix for the raids! Passed the love to . See you tomorrow!

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