

If you are interested in my works as a writer or artist. lemme know cause all I want is to entertain people.

I also have a discord for those who wanna talk.

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You ever see those communities where the people who they kick out for being assholes go off to form their own community with no rules at all? Well I was thinking about those earlier and came up with this.

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more things with the VR pals

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im also writing a small thing about friends playing games in VR

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in honor of halloween i drew some bad ends for the four main protagonists

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the festival of masks is when people assume the identity of a dead person who died in an ancient conflict. They then enjoy themselves however they can, letting the spirit of who they are emulating to feel the pleasures they were denied.

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it's supposed to be a cutting weapon. and its horrible at it. i attempted to redesign it while keeping the whole dagger/flail aspect, but this is the best i could do.

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's Theah looking at a weapon of my own involuntary design. The Flailblade. It's an awful weapon and you're better off just picking up a rock and using that.

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ive been working on a small side story about a guy in VR dealing with various things.

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i did that meme with a girl from each of my three main series. Nosmus, Marwha, and Rhemma

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a gnome i made for 's fantasy world. I named him Hamit

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