

If you are interested in my works as a writer or artist. lemme know cause all I want is to entertain people.

I also have a discord for those who wanna talk.

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Giles, a mimic merchant, two adventurer folk made from lesser known mythical animals, and a witch who switched arms with a demon. random ideas i had

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i made up some food for a mall foodcourt scene in book 4. and NGL, i'd try these.

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i draw stuff other than satvius too. have a monster i saw in a dream, a pool i saw in a different dream, a weird cosmic safety pin, and a monster from a story i read once as a school assignment.

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i've always been a big fan of and his works. so i couldnt resist drawing some of his characters in Satvius for some non canon art

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i like doing those "draw a character wearing this" prompts. or drawing alternate versions of them as well.

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Lorand and Zee are online friends of Passeri, who join him in book 4 for the story. Also with them is Laszlo, Lorand's weird clone servant.

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marwha and arno are good friends but pretend like they cant stand eachother in public to try and get out of their mairrage.

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marwha is just fun to draw. I enjoy this Fossa gal

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random characters. Arno's cousin, random satvius students i made as background characters, Toby's eventual roommate, and the being in charge of the reincarnation cycle in this world.

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Nicolo is the main jerk in Satvius. But as a joke i decided that the academies for the other two main religions have someone like that as well. So i made Darshan and Marietta to fit those roles.

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