

フォロー数:220 フォロワー数:24363

If you don’t love me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best

5 48

Be careful who you call ugly in m̶̛̫i̵͙͋d̸̹͛d̷̜̔l̵͖̅é̶ͅ ̴̱͝s̶͇̓c̸̼̋ĥ̴̘ŏ̷̪o̴͎̾l̶̨̑ ̶̞̃

5 46

Can we like... get a giant monster fighting game?

8 45

Not one ship came down, and nobody issues a single mission back. Judging by underground bunkers having been raided with gruesome displays known by their nature, it can only be determined that they found a way here, and I don’t think they plan on going back home.

8 49

My there is a knock at my closet door every night. I live alone.

19 109