

game dev

making Mohrta (3D Shooter) w/ @Osiol24683

WISHLIST HERE: store.steampowered.com/app/2881610/Mo…

pfp by @megrim_haruyo

My site

フォロー数:456 フォロワー数:20350

Sorry for not posting too much stuff for the past few days, been workin my ass off on some enemies and I'll post a compilation when there's a good set of 'em. I should be done with enemies by the end of December and be ready to jump into working on the actual game

Have a boy

3 29

Tusk. It's you! Now with a hat and a sleeveless trench coat.

0 19

A little preview of some of the Lovecraftian areas. These are an absolute joy to work on! The sound design has been a blast too. Can't wait till y'all get to play this C:

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Yo! Some screenshots from MAP06 - MAP08

I have something really cool to show later this evening! But- it's not quite finished yet, so stay tuned!

Thank you again for the support, guys. This has been awesome. Love this community.

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Are you just gonna scroll by without giving them any candy????

2 5

Every time I open up gzdoom builder I get so happy cause this cutie is always waiting for me

I love you, you big toothed little creachur

6 11

AaaaAHAHah God, its sos ccccccold

Just a preview of MAP04, thank you so much for looking at my project y'all! I never expected this many people to pay attention to it!

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