//=time() ?>
@bloodofkirby @janie_ks @sootygrunter79 @JRocBX718 @Lord_Azoth @ShawnWebster13 @DeevElliott @TDenton_1138 @EricMastersonX @AgeofSmut @AntointteG The cemetary gets spicy... 4/5
@GregRozeboom @buse_chris @bloodofkirby @thinbloodeddino @kreepazoidkelly @johnnydfetish @realmarkrez @AnthonyPerconti @Lord_Azoth @pheltzcomics @BiLLYd_licious a few more..some fumetti/giallo style from Gallur..
@Lord_Azoth @DarrellEpp @BiLLYd_licious @skeezix161 @thinbloodeddino @DeevElliott @buse_chris @bloodofkirby @DonaldRexJr @ScottMWest Late seventies Corben was peak...just so intense, sexy, weird and cool-i love it🥰.
@bloodofkirby @sootygrunter79 @thinbloodeddino @ShawnWebster13 @buse_chris @Lord_Azoth @DeevElliott @AntointteG @icejedi1970 @JRocBX718 What can one say?..true master 🙌🏻🤩❤️ 1/2
@bloodofkirby @sootygrunter79 @ShawnWebster13 @buse_chris @HallowsHaunts @BiLLYd_licious @DeevElliott @JRocBX718 @ScottMWest @ConnieJoJo2 @AntointteG Some colors on some old Image comics by Chiodo 🥰
@ShawnWebster13 @bloodofkirby @sootygrunter79 @buse_chris @ManFirestorm @thinbloodeddino @BiLLYd_licious @DeevElliott @matthwbox @DarrellEpp @CanadaDaredevil @BronzeAgeBabies @GGWOW1 @inkBoardStudios @megagears @johnnydfetish @WillPheesh @gracepheesh @janie_ks What can one say but...master. Just incredible talent and sensibility. Breathtaking illustrations ❤️
@bloodofkirby @thinbloodeddino @sootygrunter79 @Lord_Azoth @buse_chris @DeevElliott @ManFirestorm @TDenton_1138 @EricMastersonX Tough stuff..I love it 🤩..and a few ...insane tones on these pencils 😎
More Conan value studies ..these are draws not traces..then 4 value over(under)lines...#practice
Some value studies of Conan the barbarian(my favorite movie 🍺😎)...these are drawn, not traced then using 4 values (including white) recreate scene ...quickly