

Just your average Canadian artist.

フォロー数:186 フォロワー数:373

Stilt-Leech: "Even on such a volatile world, life can thrive, even if in bizarre forms. Stilt-Leeches are perplexing scavengers, wandering the outskirts of the Ash Fields, using their stilt-like legs to keep above the ash..."

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Ashclaw: "An odd mutant nomad, known throughout the larger settlements of the Ashlands, well, the ones that accept mutants... Ashclaw has been seen traveling with multiple caravans, sometimes acting as guide, or a guard."

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Mothea: [BEGIN LOG: E-002-B] Truly bizarre creatures, they look like aliens even amongst aliens on an alien world. They fly high above Elios, seemingly never landing, except for rest. During these times they'll attempt to find bodies of water."

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Sacanis: "[BEGIN LOG: E-005-B] Strange dog-like fish-like creatures, found within the entirety of the oceans on Elios. Their fins are the main feature on them, bright vibrant colors, and elongated fin tips. Sacanis are pack animals, creating groups of 3-5 members."

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Titania: [BEGIN LOG: E-003-A] Massive airborne titans, somehow they remained hidden until now, with airborne drones now active on Elios we can track these mighty creatures. They seem too be drawn to coastlines, most likely drawn to the humidity..."

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The Archangel of the Sea: "An elegant, ribbon-armed deity spoken of in the tales of superstitious sailors and fishermen, who'd pray for safe voyage across the sea, and bountiful fishing."

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The Nomad: "Begin log. Recently we've discovered an anomalous entity, it had appeared through a dimensional tear. It arrived within a classified military base in [REDACTED], Mongolia, it had caused a reality distortion event, [REDACTED] the entire 412 square mile area. End log."

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Rotten Glare: "What are you lookin' at...? Never seen a walking corpse before, heh heh. What brings a human to L'enfer Vivant anyways, especially in the slums. Looking at a demon the wrong way can get you killed, so watch your back..."

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Ammos, The Northern Wind: As deadly as its elegant, Ammos is unlike anything on Earth, both alien and divine. Legends say that eons ago, when the Earth was in a primordial turmoil, Tel' Zanith had taken the first snowfall and wind, giving it life.

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Therkalus Shark
One of the rarer predators on Ashus, these large shark-like creatures can be found thought every ocean on the planet. They're well known for their bright luminous markings, and the tar-like liquid that they can create and spit at prey.

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