

Name's Lewis, I love video games. I watch because I don't have any systems😑. Smash, Sonic, Tekken, MGS, Bioshock, Mario, Splinter Cell, MK & more.

フォロー数:671 フォロワー数:579

Reptile & Ermac. If they don't get added to I won't be upset. We have them in and the gameplay is so fluid, fast paced that it's easy to come back to. I'll happily wait for Of course if they do come to MK11, I'll be hyped as I love these kharakters.

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for Adult Gohan. Gohan's dialogue is pretty consistent. But he's still missing lines against Trunks, Android 17 [Win], Android 18, Cooler, Janemba, Broly (DBS), Hit, Zamasu, Jiren [Win] & Android 21 [Win]. I thought he spoke to Trunks before.

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for Tien. Tien Shinhan should interact with Android 17, Android 16 [Win], Majin Buu [Win], Videl, Vegito, Gogeta, Beerus, Hit, Jiren & Kefla. He's been underutilised when it comes to dialogue. Fix Tien!

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I really hope Arcsys/Bandai Namco adds Super Baby 2 to the roster for because he is my favourite GT Villain! And I hope you deliver on the special quotes which I'm sure you would if he was in the game 😊

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Characters Android 21 should interact with in [Intro/Victory]:
A17 (Victory)
A18 (Victory)
A16 (Victory)
Goku (All forms)
Vegeta (All forms)
Gohan (Adult)
Kid Buu
Majin Buu
Broly (DBS)
Goku Black

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Man, Broly (DBS) is such a kind-hearted, sentimental but confused character. I prefer this design over the iteration personally. Cannot wait to see him return!🔥

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Who's thinks Marduk and Armor King should be in T7 to finish their feud?

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