"In this short Life that only lasts an hour
How much - how little - is within our power."
~ Emily Dickinson
#heart #soul #willpower
Five things I do NOT miss about the Catholic Church I grew up in:
#Edu #WillPower #Catholic #CatholicTwitter #CatholicChurch https://t.co/xEk4HOzM5a
“That I did always love
I bring thee Proof
That till I loved
I never lived—Enough—
That I shall love alway—
I argue thee
That love is life—
And life hath Immortality—”
Emily Dickinson
#poetry #willpower #Caturday #Witchcraft
Yew argh the Apple of My Aye!
#eye #aye #I #apples #October #cider #edu @AndrewSacks13 #school #willpower #edyewcation
It’s always a marvelous night for a ghostdance, but particularly during High Witching Season.
#moon #dance #halloween #October #love #ghosts #yewandaye @AndrewSacks13
@boldnessismyjob @AndrewSacks13 Apparently someone needs to read the Dictionary of Hex Linguistics (Sapphix).
Dim wit = a sinister (read dark) sense of intelligent humor, or wit.
@boldnessismyjob Under capitalism, fortune and privilege are granted to some and utterly denied to others-- and the way one's deck is stacked, for or against survival and success, is not random. #WillPower
@boldnessismyjob @AndrewSacks13 Indeed. One should never consent to being untrue to themself. But sometimes it takes a while and a whole lot of mistake-making and self-harm and harm of others for some people to learn to finally accept who they truly are and live in their truth.