

Husband, Air Force Veteran, Gamer/Comic nerd/opinion giver. Autism Parent. A MaaD Wolf 🐺

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# comics

Starting this Day off right. I still got 2 exams today, Bagging and Boarding to do but I couldn’t wait to Read SIkTc and it was EASILY the best issue. is UPPING the terror in this issue along with giving us some much needed Slaughter information. MUST READ

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Thank you for quite literally the Perfect Megman Variant 🤩🤩🔥🔥😭😭😭

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Imagine giving a dog 🐕 a Whole island full of Billionaires to control lol I never want this book to end

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Crazy how that’s Thawne and not Barry. We seen this trope before but got damn im interested to see the Flash take on this concept

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FINALLY we catch up with our Seasoned Champion Lottie in Ash & Thorn this type we get a Psychology chapter in what means to be a Savior. was Flexing her Writing Muscles With Incredible this is my FAVORITE ahoy book to date. Must read.

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Tradition for me to pick my Top 5 of the Day. Well 6 lol🔥
1. Batman Detctive
2. Hotell#3
3. Billionaire Island
4. Bliss
5. No Herorine

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Question🤔 would you take Bliss? Which removes your darkest memories allowing your soul to be tainted? READ BLESS 👀 🔥🔥 very impressed https://t.co/djJVkq5wtn

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7 October 2020 Penultiman drops. We finally got a date. A comic I Think will be a genre breaking organial. Im so hyped lol

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Yes it’s and the RED RANGER you damn RIGHT im getting this cover

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