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This week it’s all about FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS... and #amrevising, #amrevising, #amrevising. Checking in for #5amwritersclub. Working on this #MGlit fantasy. Adjusted goal = querying by May! Let’s do this! #MondayMotivaton #FebWritingChallenge #WritingCommunity
I have a confession... I’m completely getting sucked into THE MASKED SINGER. This is completely insane in the best possible way. I think I have 4 of them figured out. #TheMaskedSigner
Cue the choir—It is Friday, Hallelujah! Late again for #5amwritersclub. I’m fighting off a cold. I WILL NOT FALL! I’m ready for some weekend #amwriting and #amrevising. #janwritingchallenge #writingcommunity 😊
Good morning, #5amwritersclub. I’m just checking in, because I’ve been dragging this morning. Traveled for work yesterday + plus sore from the gym, but the words call! #amwriting #amrevising
Vivid dreams last night. Doing a little idea generating & journaling this morning for #5amwritersclub. When & where do you come up with your best #writing ideas? How do you log & keep track of them? #amwriting #12x12PB #writingcommunity #JanWritingChallenge
Decorations in my office’s reception area. (Yes, I had to go in to work today.) #happyholidays #christmaseve #HolidaySpirit 🎄⛄️🎁❄️🎶
Now that the kids are all asleep, I’m watching the SABRINA Winter Solstice Special Episode on #Nextflix #SabrinaTheTeenageWitch What happens when the Yule log goes out??? Creepy holiday fun!
@patesden Oh I will! I think I want flying monkeys for Christmas this year!
This is an amazing art book. The work of @thealexrossart in MARVELOCITY by @chipkidd & @geoffspear. I purchased it for my sister’s boyfriend, but of course I had to look through it before I wrap it. 😎 Mind-blowing artwork! A great gift! @PantheonBooks
😂😂😂 DRAGON WAS TERRIBLE by @kellydipucchio & @gregpizzoli — a beautiful example of words & illustrations working together to make you laugh. Just look at the expressions on the dragon’s face!!! A wonderful #picturebook #mustread. @fsgbooks #amreading #100picturebooks