

Norwegian/Filipina. I live in a house full of books and art. I’m also slave no.1 to #SookieTheFarmCat 🐈‍⬛ not accepting review requests at the moment.…

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Bookmail pt.1:
My Folio ed. of Agatha Christie’s Sparkling Cyanide has arrived. This is the 4th Christie I’ve bought from them. Beautifully illustrated by Michael Philip Dunbabin🥰 Guess this means I have to shuffle my books again😂

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145th read of 2021:
Daphne Byrne by Laura Marks.
Starting this as soon as the 👶🏻 has dozed off.
That artwork though😍

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September 2021 reads:
Between moving houses + the ever increasing effects of pregnancy brain, I’m quite happy with this😊 Loads of great reads!

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99th read of 2021:
God Forbid by A. A. Medina📚 🥰 Need to write a couple of reviews first, but shouldn’t take me that long and I’ll be starting this later today.

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-The replacement copy of American Vampire vol 7 (1st one arrived horribly mangled)
-Little Whispers by Glen Krisch (Thunderstorm Books)

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The Long Way Home by Richard Chizmar. The artwork by François Vaillancourt is stunning🥰

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Hill House’s Daphne Byrne by Laura Marks, Kelley Jones et al.
I somehow completely missed this, but it’s been rectified now😊

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61st read of 2021:
No Longer Human by (original novel by Osamu Dazai). I mentioned that I was keen to try some Ito and Graham remembered and gifted me this💕 I also really should pick up some Dazai works at some point as well

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