

🇬🇧 Simoon68, Co-founder of Abracadabra Games | SharkBite | Backpacking | former @Roblox intern, action figure, YouTube partner & collector of pixelated hats

フォロー数:1383 フォロワー数:65710

Boblox please make this hat go limited next please 😍🙏🤑

1 34

Happy Easter! 🦈🐰🥚

Hope you all have had a wonderful day! Whilst I acknowledge there was no SharkBite Easter update this year, that's because we're prioritising something even bigger! 👀

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Good morning Liverpool

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BunnyBite is back! 🐰

This year, locate and retrieve the sharks key (this may be closer than you think, or perhaps tied to his tail) After your scramble, you can use the key to unlock the lobby "hatch" to receive the SharkBite egg!

Happy Hunting! 🥚

2 83

Who you callin Pinhead?

11 137

Me and my pet Raccoon

0 75


I am BunnyBite

I am very friendly

7 130

These games have shaped my vision on game development, on an nostalgic level just a soundtrack from any of these will literally raise the hairs on my arms.

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