

🇬🇧 Co-founder of Abracadabra Games | SharkBite | Backpacking | Simoon68. former @Roblox intern, action figure, YouTube partner & collector of pixelated hats

フォロー数:1297 フォロワー数:61866

They said I could become anyfin, so I became a Fin-Head

7 153

Who you callin Pinhead?

11 137

Me and my pet Raccoon

0 75

430K+? Absolutely insane, congratulations well deserved, a milestone in Roblox history!

2 81

Chilling at the English Lake District today ⛰

Thankfully the English weather has been nice to us, took a lakeside boat ride through lake Windermere. Also witnessed a pike for the first time in an aquarium, the apex predator of freshwaters and great enemy of ducks

0 23

Preparing myself for this roller coaster of a episode 😱 10 minutes...

0 13

How are you guys finding the SharkBite egg hunt challenge - have you cracked it yet?

Check out the Bunny Boat I designed for the challenge, it was pretty fun to model. Shame it got eaten by a shark though.

1 27


I am BunnyBite

I am very friendly

7 130

Studio now detects if your mesh has any unusual/inverted normals, and offers the option to fix it for you! Neat update.

6 110

That's just the interior mesh of the car z-fighting in render mode, in-game it's fine.

I make the interior a separate mesh to the shell of the car so I can have a different material/colour on the inside as well as the outside. This also makes the collision geometry better.

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