

Artist & GameDev | Half of @duandigames
Made #CatsOrganizedNeatly
#VirtualCottage &

フォロー数:212 フォロワー数:3716

I'm sometimes so proud of the dumbest stuff. Like retexturing a tree to make it a mushroom.

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Haha the loading bar seems very unsure today :'D

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Dear ,
When I search for the therm "spider queen" I am generally curious about spiders and not hoockers with 8 hairy legs.

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When somebody teaches you something that should have been obvious...

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Spent this morning rendering something for the Vernissage. Will post the full image after the show ;D

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Everyone is playing on their new I don't have either :D... But here is a cute Link

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Found this unfinished on my pc while sorting all the sketches I did in 2017. Probably not going to finish it 🙁

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Random from last week that I forgott to post on twitter

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I have just discoverd the comedic gold mine known as

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