

Artist & GameDev | Half of @duandigames
Made #CatsOrganizedNeatly
#VirtualCottage &

フォロー数:213 フォロワー数:3719

Here we have route 7, the one right in front of Celadon City. Wanted some contrast with nature and huge buildings in the back to foreshadow the city.


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And the last one from Lavender town. I was actually looking forward to painting the tower but it didn't come out that great >.<

Also 96/150

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After the power plant, we surf back to enter the rock tunnel.

Also 92/150

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Saw the legendary trailer and all I could think of was this vine...

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Just uploaded my Fanart to Artstation. So you can check it out there if you missed it :P

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It's been weeks and I still can't get out of my head. I remember there was one shot of these seemingly infinite buildings filling out the screen.... and of course that's right up my alley.

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My name is Simone. I'm a gamedev and Art Director and looooove drawing buildings <3

I mostly post studies on twitter and finished pieces on instagram:

Thanks for sharing so much amazing art. I've been loving todays artshare!

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I found these backgrounds a well and drew this afterwards. The old Sailor Moon art is so stunning and I'm so happy that someone else also found inspiration in it 😍

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