Friedman Brain Instituteさんのプロフィール画像

Friedman Brain Instituteさんのイラストまとめ

The Friedman Brain Institute is an interdisciplinary clinical and research hub for studying and treating brain and spinal cord disorders at Mount Sinai…

フォロー数:1092 フォロワー数:12139

.'s "Stimulating the Trigeminal-Hypoglossal Reflex". SO INTERESTING! Surgeons can use “reflex arcs” of the to be sure patients retain nerve functionality as they are performing surgery. LEARN MORE at The VOTE for image Most❤️'s WINS!

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🤔EVER WONDER, Mmm, "Can you measure voltage changes in the You can! These measurements are called "Brain Waves". LEARN EVEN MORE by reading 's "What Are Brain Waves?"👉

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AMAZING work being done in the Nash Family Center for Advanced Circuit Therapeutics. CHECK OUT the Brain tracts of a patient w/ 4 different electrode targets. VOTE NOW for C-ACT's Imaging Team's image & Most❤️'s wins!

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"Turn on your Imagination" is how ' Leonid Tarassishin, PhD describes his beautiful image "Former Orchids". We did and got drawn it. Now it is your turn. VOTE NOW image Most❤️'s wins!

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.'s has created a inspired illustration for her submission. Depicting an artist putting productivity tricks into practice, this should hit home for all VOTE! Most♥️'s wins!

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AMAZING TECHNOLOGY! 's "One Eighty ICA", shows individual images from a that ultimately make up a 3D image; these pictures in particular illustrate an internal carotid artery VOTE NOW! Most♥️'s wins!

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Cajal's Inception: Clementine Fillinger’s imaginary vectorial of Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s (1852-1934) hand-drew human & is considered by many as the father of VOTE NOW for image Most♥️'s wins!

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HONORED to have , creator of , submit her AWESOME "CSF Leak through the Cribriform Plate" created for Jack Rutland's recent publication👉 VOTE NOW for Most♥️'s wins!

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The VERY CREATIVE , ’s Simulation Core Chemist, submits this BEAUTIFUL image of a pituitary tumor that was created by fusing patient MRI & CT data. VOTE NOW for "Inside out", image Most♥️s wins!

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"This Is Your Brain On Cheesecake" - CHECK OUT the newest episode of 's “Food, We Need To Talk”! speaks w/ Juna Gjata & Dr. Eddie Philips about food & the

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