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.@JillGMedArt's "Stimulating the Trigeminal-Hypoglossal Reflex". SO INTERESTING! Surgeons can use “reflex arcs” of the #NervousSystem to be sure patients retain nerve functionality as they are performing surgery. LEARN MORE at The #ArtoftheBrain! VOTE for image #47 Most❤️'s WINS!
AMAZING work being done in the Nash Family Center for Advanced Circuit Therapeutics. CHECK OUT the Brain tracts of a #DeepBrainStimulation patient w/ 4 different electrode targets. VOTE NOW for C-ACT's Imaging Team's #ArtoftheBrain image #59 & #60 Most❤️'s wins! @MountSinaiDBS
"Turn on your Imagination" is how @SinaiGenetics' Leonid Tarassishin, PhD describes his beautiful image "Former Orchids". We did and got drawn it. Now it is your turn. VOTE NOW #ArtoftheBrain image #22. Most❤️'s wins! @IcahnMountSinai #CallforImages #baw2021 @dana_fdn
🧠The Art of the Brain! —Check out the #ArtoftheBrain virtual exhibition, a celebration of "the beauty of the brain as seen through the eyes of some the world's leading researchers"—On view 3/16-5/28 via @SinaiBrain #DiverseBrains #BrainAwarenessWeek 🧠https://t.co/FxlNjBZxov
.@IcahnMountSinai's #InstructionalTechnologyGroup's @amyzhongart has created a @RubeGoldberg inspired illustration for her #ArtoftheBrain #72 submission. Depicting an artist putting productivity tricks into practice, this should hit home for all #scientists! VOTE! Most♥️'s wins!
AMAZING TECHNOLOGY! @Dr_Yaeger's "One Eighty ICA", shows individual images from a #cerebral #angiogram that ultimately make up a 3D image; these pictures in particular illustrate an internal carotid artery #aneurysm! VOTE NOW! #ArtoftheBrain #64! Most♥️'s wins! @MountSinaiNeuro
Cajal's Inception: #KennyLab’s Clementine Fillinger’s imaginary vectorial of Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s (1852-1934) #brain. #Cajal hand-drew human #neurons & is considered by many as the father of #neuroscience. VOTE NOW for #ArtoftheBrain image #45 Most♥️'s wins! @MtSinaiPostdocs
HONORED to have @JillGMedArt, creator of @SciVizNYC, submit her AWESOME #MedicalIllustration "CSF Leak through the Cribriform Plate" created for Jack Rutland's recent @TheJNS publication👉https://t.co/LoVp6eOe93 VOTE NOW for #ArtoftheBrain #44! Most♥️'s wins!
The VERY CREATIVE @holly_mkey, @SinaiBioDesign’s Simulation Core Chemist, submits this BEAUTIFUL image of a pituitary tumor that was created by fusing patient MRI & CT data. VOTE NOW for "Inside out", #ArtoftheBrain image #34! Most♥️s wins! @MountSinaiNeuro @anthonycosta
Today's #sciart entry is my finished #neurodevelopment #illustration ! On display at the #ArtoftheBrain @SinaiBrain