

• 18+

フォロー数:3590 フォロワー数:1036

Kind of..? 😭It's the first I thought of

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Hi. Consider me? c: Thank you and I'm sure your art is amazing ❤️

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Would it be okay to ask for my left design (Nocturne, the black haired one) in the binder on the right? Thank you c: Gl everyone and your art is amazing!!❤️

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Could you please draw Haru or Nocturne with the binder on the left? Thank you!! c: Also I don't mind however it looks. I'm sure your art is amazing ❤️

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Thank you for the opportunity! c: ~❤️

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This sounds adorable and so amazing. I'm sorry that I'm late 😭 I'm a siren. I do already have a bubble pet but would be curious what you'd draw!

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Haru and my other half, Nocturne? c:

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Could I choose a chibi? Thank you for the opportunity ❤️

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This is Haru (the pink haired one) and Nocturne.❤️Please consider either ? Thank you!

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Hi! Could you please draw Haru (my pink form) or Nocturne? Thank you!

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